SERP Checker

With Ranktracker's SERP analysis tool we help you find the weak spots of your competitors. Ranktracker help's you dominate for any search term using our historical 3+ trillion backlink data set (and counting) with accurate keyword difficulty.

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Ranktracker is used by marketers from some of the world’s leading companies

Detailed Google SERP insights

Detailed Google SERP insights

Get a detailed analysis of the results that appear in Google for any search term. Enter a keyword to see who’s ranking for it, whether it’s possible to compete with them, and much more.

Analyze local SERPs

Researching your SEO strategy for a specific area? The SERP checker shows you search results for a particular country, region, city or neighbourhood, so you can find the best keyword opportunities there.

Analyze local SERPs
SERP features and snapshots

SERP features and snapshots

Enter any keyword to see if any SERP features appear for it – such as maps, reviews, featured snippets and shopping links. You’ll see a ‘snapshot’ preview when they do. Target these keywords to harness the SERP features and bring extra traffic to your site.

Authority and link profile strength

The Authority and Link Profile Strength scores help you identify the easiest and most powerful competitor links to replicate. They’re calculated using numerous metrics – like citation flow, trust flow and social signals – to give you truly accurate insights.

Authority and link profile strength
SERP Checker

SERP Checker Tool

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Your campaign lives and dies in the search results page. You can keep tabs on progress with our SERP Checker. It has all the key details you need including total search results for keywords, related searches, and difficulty ranking of a specific keyword. You can separate these results locally or see them from a global viewpoint. Get a comprehensive insight into how your target market is exploring SERP features and shopping/maps previews. Additionally, our tool enables you to analyze SERPs from various locations and devices, offering a detailed view of how your site performs across different search scenarios.

Our SERP checker tool is designed to give you all of the necessary information about the results page that will appear when you search for a particular keyword. This can help you plan out your SEO strategy more effectively, as you’ll have a more concrete idea of what to do to improve your rankings. It provides insights into the top 100 Google search results, helping you understand your website's position in Google search results and how it varies based on geo-location and device type.

Getting high results on a Google search isn’t as simple as ensuring that you have a bunch of backlinks and keywords spread throughout your content. You’ll need to abide by Google’s algorithm, which is always changing. You’ll also need to create relevant content that people want to read.

All of this comes together to make it extremely difficult to enhance your business’s SEO since you’ll need to balance the quality of your content with the right keywords. A SERP checker will allow you to see how the results will appear to your average person, and you can even check from various geographic areas.

One of the main challenges for businesses that operate internationally is knowing how their SERP will come out in different regions. Using a free SERP checker, you’ll be able to determine how your results would look in the United States, but you’ll also be able to see if you’re making the top page in a country like Russia as well.

The simple fact is that it will be difficult to improve your site’s SEO if you don’t know what the results are in the first place. This is why something like a Google SERP checker tool will be the first thing that you’ll have to use before you start formulating your keyword and analysis strategy.

There are many different kinds of SERP checkers, and we think that ours is one of the best. Our paying customers can benefit from things like unlimited keyword ranking searches and other tools that will allow them to analyze their data more efficiently. It's particularly useful for SEO professionals who rely on accurate and comprehensive data to strategize and optimize their clients' SEO efforts effectively.

Let’s take a look at some of the top features that set our SERP checker apart from others.

Instead of having to manually go through each results page on search engines like Google, the SERP checker allows you to do it quickly and even provides you with otherwise hidden info. For example, this tool will allow you to check SERP pages from a variety of different regions to see how your site is ranking worldwide.

The SERP checker is a valuable tool that allows you to analyze how specific searches will turn out. What makes this tool unique is that it allows you to customize a wide range of aspects of your search that are typically beyond your reach, including the geographical region that you’re searching from.

Instead of having to manually search for things yourself to figure out the search results, the SERP checker automates the process and allows you to see a wide range of search results. For example, if you’re trying to see search results from different countries, you can do so by toggling that option in the SERP checker.

Google SERP Checker in General

Using our SERP checker tool is rather straightforward. The first thing you’ll need is some form of subscription to Ranktracker. If you’re not sure whether our services will work for you, we offer a 7-day free trial that potential customers can use to determine if we can help out their business.

Once you have either a trial account or a full subscription, you’ll have unlocked our Google SERP checker tool. To get started using it, you’ll have to determine the keyword that you want to generate a search results page for, keeping in mind the keyword difficulty. Understanding the level of competition in the SERP through tools like Semrush can help you analyze the keyword difficulty score, which indicates how hard it might be to rank for a specific keyword. This is crucial for planning your SEO strategy and differentiating your content from competitors.

Additionally, it's essential to consider the search intent behind each keyword. Knowing the searcher's intent helps in tailing your content to meet the searcher's needs more effectively, which is a cornerstone of a successful SEO strategy. Understanding the intent of the SERP informs your content strategy, allowing you to address the search intent and stand out with your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

The next thing you’ll have to figure out is where the results page is going to think the searcher is. In most cases, our clients want to search for their results in the United States, but we also have international clients who conduct searches and check the SERPs for countries in Europe and Asia.

Finally, you’ll have to select whether the search is being conducted from a desktop or from a mobile device. Being able to switch between device types will allow you to figure out if your search results are acceptable across both of them. Keep in mind that there is a growing number of internet users who use their mobile devices near-exclusively.

Once you’ve entered all of this information, you’ll be able to conduct your SERP check. You’ll be brought to the results page, where you’ll be able to see the results for the keyword that you entered into the checker.

This page will provide you with all of the relevant data about your search and it can be organized based on how you like it. You’ll have several different options so that you can sort the results page, including by the order of results, the KD, the position, or even the URL.

What is SERP Checking?

SERP checking is the act of figuring out what results will come out of a search engine when you enter a certain keyword or string of keywords. An integral part of this process is SERP analysis, which involves a detailed examination of the top pages appearing in search engine results. This analysis helps SEO professionals understand the opportunities and challenges of targeting specific keywords. Tools like Semrush and Ahrefs are often used to conduct effective SERP analysis, providing insights into the competition and strategies for improvement. You may be wondering why you wouldn’t just conduct the search on the search engine that you want to see the SERP for (like Google) and there are a few reasons for that. Continue reading

The main reason why you may wish to use a free SERP checker tool instead of the search engine itself is that you’ll have a lot more options as to how the search is conducted. For example, if you wanted to determine how your business ranks in a foreign country without using a SERP checker, you’d need a way to circumvent Google location check.

While you could theoretically use a VPN to determine how your business ranks in other countries, not every VPN features every country that you may wish to search from. There’s also the issue that you’ll be paying for a VPN to accomplish what a free SERP checker would be able to do without any trouble. Aside from changing the country that you’re conducting your search from, a SERP checker will also allow you to modify other parameters of your search. For example, the vast majority of SERP checkers will show you results in desktop format, but some will allow you to change this to mobile device mode.

When you toggle your search to the mobile device format, a SERP checker tool will show you the results of a specific search without you having to use a mobile browser in the first place. This will make it easier to conduct your SEO research on your search metrics without constantly shuffling between devices.

Some SERP checker tools will also allow you to cycle through different search engines so that you can determine how your results and position compare across each of them. This can save you from having to open up nine different tabs to check your results across a variety of search engines, including Google, Bing, Yandex, and more.

The number of results you get on a SERP checker depends on how it’s programmed. Some free SERP checker tools will only provide you with the top 10 or 20 results on Google. On the other hand, our SERP checker is designed to provide you with the top 100 results so you can get a better idea of your competitors’ strategies.

Another great thing about our SERP checker is that you’ll find it fully online without the need to download and install an additional program. Whether you’re wary of the software you install on your computer or if you’re using a work machine without administrator privileges, a web-based format works best for everyone.

A SERP checker will also allow you to get more accurate local and global results when conducting searches, as they will allow you to check the same search engine for multiple TLDs (locations). For example, a search result on will be different than on

Choosing the Correct Free SERP Checker for Your Needs

When looking through the various SERP checkers on the market, it can be challenging to determine which of them will work best for you. Many customers just pick the top search result when looking for one, which is ironic when you consider the very purpose of a SERP checker tool in the first place.

To make the right decision, you have to ensure that you know what to look for when choosing your SERP checker. One of the most important qualities of a SERP checker is accuracy, as nobody wants to use a SERP checker that will output the wrong results and send you on what is essentially a wild goose chase.

If you’re operating off of flawed information, then it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll end up making a mistake when you start formulating your SEO strategy. This is because flawed data will lead you in the wrong direction and may actually cause your efforts to hamper your search ranking instead of helping it.

For this reason, we’d recommend double-checking the results of certain SERP checkers while using them, to ensure that you’re getting the right results. You can do this by conducting an identical search yourself manually using a search engine like Google. Make sure you’re in the same region and on the same type of device if you do this!

Next, you’ll want to look for a SERP checker that is intuitive and user-friendly above all else. Accuracy won’t mean a thing if the SERP checker tool that you’re using is displaying the info in a ridiculously convoluted way. In most cases, the results should be displayed organized by search ranking, though you can then organize the results in any way you see fit.

It should also be easy to conduct a search using your chosen tool in the first place. There’s no need for countless dropdown menus. All you need is a text box in which you can enter your keyword(s), a menu where you can select the search engine, location, and type of device you’re searching on.

Finally, you’ll also want to pick a SERP checker that uses the kind of search engine that you think most of your customers will use. In the vast majority of cases, this will be Google, but there are fringe cases in which you’ll want to SERP check on search engines like Yandex, which are exclusive to places like Russia.

Our SERP Checker Exclusive Features

Why should you choose our SERP checker tool over the competition? There are a few things that set it apart from the rest of the pack. As we’ve mentioned, one of the most important things to look for in a SERP checker is a decent level of intuitiveness since that will make people more willing to use it.

If you’ve never used a SERP checker tool before or if you’re just in a rush, being able to enter your query without any trouble will enhance your experience and make you more likely to return. We also ensure that our results page is as easy as possible to use and sort so that you can get all of the required metrics with ease.

Other features that are exclusive to our SERP checker include the difficulty of arranging SEO for a particular keyword. We’ll provide you with a score out of 100 that will let you know how challenging it will be to optimize your content for the keyword of your choice.

The difficulty level that we give you will be based on a range of different factors, including the number of related keywords that you’ll be able to put into content as well as the number of competitors. As you’d expect, a more difficult search term will have more competitors that are vying for the top spot.

Along with the level of difficulty involved in improving your business’s SEO, we’ll also provide you with a range of other info about the SERP that you searched for. You’ll be able to compare the score of various competitors as well, and you can even see the impact of SERP features on the results for a particular keyword.

There are also various filters you can use to determine what kind of results you’re getting, including organic, top stories, multi-carousel, and knowledge panels. Other info that we provide includes the total number of results that are generated by the search engine as well as a snapshot of the results.

All of this comes together to make our SERP checker one of the best on the market, allowing you to easily determine your rank based on a particular keyword. Our combination of accurate results and pure intuitiveness help make us a more attractive solution for owners looking to enhance their business’s SEO.

SEO SERP Features

  • Answer Box
  • App
  • Carousel
  • Multi Carousel
  • Featured Snippet
  • Google Flights
  • Google Reviews
  • Google Posts
  • Images
  • Jobs
  • Knowledge Graph
  • Local Pack
  • Hotels Pack
  • Map
  • Organic
  • Paid
  • People Also Ask
  • Related Searches
  • People Also Search
  • Shopping
  • Top Stories
  • Twitter
  • Video
  • Events
  • Mention Carousel
  • Recipes
  • Top Sights
  • Scholarly Articles
  • Popular Products
  • Podcasts
  • Questions and Answers
  • Find Results On
  • Stocks Box

Featured snippets, in particular, play a crucial role in affecting click-through rates (CTR) by providing direct answers to user queries right at the top of the search results, often leading to increased engagement with the listed organic search results. Understanding the competition for specific keywords requires a thorough analysis of these organic search results, as they reveal the strength of competitors' SEO strategies.

Why Do People Use SERP Checkers?

Whether it’s a free SERP checker or a paid one, there has to be a reason why people take time out of their day to conduct searches to determine the SEO of their web pages. One of the main reasons to conduct one of these searches is to determine how well your efforts have worked to bump up your search ranking.

You can also use the knowledge of where you’re ranked to determine how you’re going to move forward with your SEO strategies. If you don’t know where you’re popping up on a search engine, then you won’t know whether you should make drastic changes or keep doing more of the same.

By starting off with a SERP checker, you can determine if you’re getting the right ranking for a keyword that you’re trying to optimize for. You can then take a look at the competition that has higher results than you to see how their content compares and whether there’s anything you can do to enhance your ranking.

To get the most out of a SERP checker tool for Google search, you’ll need to couple it with effective keyword research that will show you the most-used keywords in your industry. You can then enter those keywords into a SERP checker that will show you how your site is ranking for that particular search.

When formulating your SEO strategy, you’ll want to be sure to analyze these terms and to focus on a few keywords that will keep your business on the right track. You can be well-optimized for an obscure keyword, but since so few people will be searching for that term, you won’t get impressive results for your efforts.

After you’ve added backlinks to your site and optimized your content so that it improves your search engine ranking, you should see those results reflected in your SERP checker. This is the second role of a SERP checker tool: being able to see that the changes you’ve made to your site are finally taking effect.

Exclusive SERP Checker from Ranktracker

The exclusive SERP checker that we offer our clients allows them to determine their SEO strategy moving forward with the most accurate data possible. As we’ve mentioned, we created this tool to be as user-friendly as it can be, ensuring that you can get the data with a minimum amount of effort on your part. Importantly, our SERP checker is designed to enhance local SEO by offering location-specific SERP previews and analyzing website positions for different geo-locations, which is crucial for businesses aiming to improve their local search engine rankings.

While we may not offer a free SERP checker, you’ll be able to use it with the 7-day free trial that we offer customers before they have to subscribe to us. This 7-day period will give you enough time to decide whether or not the services we provide are worth your money and whether you should stick with us.

Finally, you’ll love our SERP tracker because of additional features that we implement that you won’t find in free SERP tracker tools and the like. For example, you can see the SEO difficulty of a particular keyword and you’ll get a rating out of five on how much SERP features will impact that SEO.


Checking your SERP using the SERP checker is relatively simple. All you have to do is enter the keyword into the database, select your location, and choose whether you’re on desktop or mobile.

SERP tracking is keeping abreast of the results pages that you get when you conduct a search for a particular keyword. Unlike conducting the search yourself, it won’t be impacted by your current geographical area when you use the SERP tracker.

A SERP checker is a tool that is used to conduct SERP tracking. You usually enter a keyword into it and it will show you the results for that keyword.

A SERP tool is any kind of tool that is used in conjunction with SERPs, whether it’s used to show you what certain keywords cause or how changes to a page will affect a SERP.

SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. This is the page that shows up after you search for a keyword on your search engine of choice.

Knowing what pops up on the results page after a search can help you further optimize your webpages, providing you with better search results.

You can use something like our rank tracker to figure out how your site is currently doing with SEO. It will let you know if things require further optimization.

Once again, you can use our rank tracker or a similar kind of program to determine how high your site’s SEO score is.

Anything above 60 is typically considered a good score, but you likely want your score to be above 71 if you’re trying to stand out from your competitors.

You can improve your SEO score by adding content to your website and ensuring that it has the right keywords in it with the right level of density.

If you’re trying to quickly improve your SEO score, you can go through the existing content on your site and add heading tags to each of the subtitles. Heading tags play a huge role in SEO, and lacking them may set you back.

To calculate RS / KD , Ranktracker first collects the top 10 websites that rank organically for the keyword on the first page of Google.

Then, it calculates the ranking score for the first domain and the score for its page ranking for the keyword. These scores are based on the number of backlinks pointing to the domain and its page. They range from 0 (no backlinks detected) to 1,000 (highest rank).

Once it's done, the domain rank is multiplied by 0.1, and the page rank is multiplied by 0.9. The resulting values are added and then divided by 500.

((domain rating * 0.1) + (URL rating * 0.9)) / 500

The same calculation is performed for each of the ten domains and their pages.

After that, the Ranktracker sorts domains by rank value in ascending order and finds the median value.

0.2 is subtracted from the median. The resulting value is divided by 0.8

(median value – 0.2) / 0.8

The resulting value is multiplied by 100 to convert it to an integer (e.g., 0.6 * 100 = 60). If the value is greater than 1, it's truncated to 1.

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