SEO Glossary / Spam Score

Spam Score

What is Spam Score?

Spam score is a metric for measuring the spam-likeliness of a webpage, website, or group of websites. Different tools have various methods for calculating the spam score.

Methods of Calculating Spam Score

  1. Trait Comparison:
    • Some tools focus on the traits shared by sites marked as spam and then compare the sites being inspected against those traits.
  2. Feature Analysis:
    • Other spam score tools analyze a site's features to determine how spammy it may be. These features can include content quality, site structure, and technical elements.

Factors Considered in Spam Score Calculation

Spam score tools may examine the following factors to determine the likelihood of a site being spammy:

  • Content of the Webpage:
    • Quality, relevance, and originality of the content.
  • Titles and Subheadings:
    • Use of

keywords and the overall structure of titles and subheadings.

  • HTTP vs. HTTPS:

    • Whether the site uses a secure protocol (HTTPS) or not (HTTP).
  • Domain Name Length:

    • Length and complexity of the domain name, with unusually long or complex names being more suspect.
  • Numbers in Domain:

    • Presence of numbers in the domain name, which can sometimes indicate lower-quality or spammy sites.
  • Top-Level Domain (TLD):

    • Certain TLDs (like .biz or .info) might be associated with higher rates of spam.
  • Backlinks:

    • Quality and nature of backlinks pointing to the webpage, including the presence of links from known spammy sites.
  • Internal vs. External Links:

    • Ratio of internal links (links to the same site) to external links (links to other sites), with an unusual ratio potentially indicating spam.
  • Script Tags and Social Meta Tags:

    • Use and placement of script tags and social meta tags, which can sometimes be used maliciously.
  • Contact Information:

    • Presence or absence of contact information, as legitimate sites typically provide ways for visitors to reach them.

Importance of Spam Score

Understanding and monitoring a site's spam score is crucial for maintaining a good online reputation and ensuring compliance with best SEO practices. A high spam score can indicate issues that need addressing to avoid penalties from search engines and maintain user trust.


Spam score is a valuable metric for assessing the spam-likeliness of a website based on various factors, including content quality, site structure, and technical elements. By monitoring and managing these factors, site owners can improve their site's credibility and search engine rankings.

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