SEO Glossary / SEO Silo

SEO Silo

What is an SEO Silo?

An SEO silo, also known as website silo architecture, is a method of organizing a website’s pages into interlinked, isolated groups based on a specific topic.

The concept behind an SEO silo is that a topically-related group of pages can benefit from contextual links from other topically-relevant pages, as well as the flow of link equity within the silo.

Why is an SEO Silo Important?

SEO silos are important because they help:

  • Improve Topical Relevance: Grouping content by topic helps search engines understand the relevance of your pages to specific queries, boosting the overall authority of your website within that topic.
  • Enhance User Experience: Organized content makes it easier for users to find related information, improving their experience and increasing the likelihood of them staying longer on your site.
  • Distribute Link Equity: Internal linking within silos helps distribute link equity more effectively, which can improve the rankings of individual pages within the silo.

How to Implement an SEO Silo?

To implement an SEO silo, follow these steps:

1. Identify Core Topics

Determine the main topics relevant to your website. These will serve as the foundation for your silos.

2. Create Topic Clusters

Group related content into clusters around each core topic. Each cluster should have a pillar page that provides a comprehensive overview of the topic and links to more specific subtopics.

Within each silo, interlink pages to create a strong internal linking structure. This helps distribute link equity and reinforces the topical relevance of the content.

4. Avoid Cross-Linking Between Silos

Traditionally, SEO silos discourage linking between different silos. However, modern SEO practices suggest that as long as the links are relevant and beneficial to users, cross-linking can be allowed.

5. Optimize for User Experience

Ensure that your silos are easy to navigate and provide a logical flow of information. This not only helps users but also search engines in understanding the structure and relevance of your content.

SEO Silo vs. Pyramid Structure

While SEO silos focus on grouping related content into isolated clusters, the pyramid structure emphasizes a hierarchical organization of content, with a broad overview at the top and more specific content below.

At Ranktracker, we believe that internal links can be placed anywhere as long as they’re relevant and beneficial to users. Additionally, we recommend using the ‘pyramid’ website structure over silos for a more flexible and user-friendly approach.


What is the difference between an SEO silo and a pyramid structure?

An SEO silo organizes content into isolated, topic-based groups, while a pyramid structure organizes content hierarchically with broad topics at the top and more specific subtopics below.

Traditional SEO silos discourage linking between silos, but modern SEO practices suggest that cross-linking can be beneficial if the links are relevant and enhance user experience.

How do SEO silos improve SEO?

SEO silos improve SEO by enhancing topical relevance, improving user experience, and effectively distributing link equity within related content groups.

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