SEO Glossary / AMP


What is AMP?

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are web pages designed to load quickly on mobile devices. They are coded in a restricted version of HTML and use a simplified JavaScript library. This streamlined code structure, along with caching by Google, ensures that AMP pages load significantly faster than traditional mobile-friendly web pages.

How AMP Works

Simplified Code

AMP pages are built using AMP HTML, a subset of standard HTML with specific tags and properties to ensure reliable performance. JavaScript is limited to a simplified library, and external resources like images and ads are managed to load asynchronously.


One of the key features of AMP is its caching mechanism. AMP content is cached by Google and delivered from Google's servers rather than the website's own server. This reduces load times as the content is delivered from a closer location to the user.

AMP HTML and JS Library

  • AMP HTML: A restricted form of HTML, ensuring faster load times by limiting resource-heavy elements.
  • AMP JS Library: A streamlined JavaScript library that manages resource handling and asynchronous loading to prevent render-blocking.

Benefits of AMP


The primary benefit of AMP is speed. By using simplified HTML, streamlined JavaScript, and Google's caching, AMP pages load almost instantaneously, providing a better user experience.

Improved Mobile Experience

AMP enhances the mobile web experience by ensuring pages are optimized for speed and performance, which is crucial for mobile users who may be on slower connections.

SEO Advantages

Google favors fast-loading pages in its search rankings. AMP pages can improve a site's visibility in search results and may be featured in prominent placements like the Top Stories carousel.

User Engagement

Faster load times reduce bounce rates and increase user engagement. Visitors are more likely to stay on a site and interact with its content if pages load quickly.

Google's Promotion of AMP

Google has been actively promoting AMP as an internet-wide standard for mobile content. The goal is to enhance the overall mobile web experience by encouraging website owners to adopt AMP. This has led to widespread acceptance and implementation across various industries, especially in news and media.

How to Implement AMP

  1. Create AMP Versions of Your Pages: Build AMP versions of your existing pages using AMP HTML and AMP JS.
  2. Validate Your AMP Pages: Use the AMP Validator to ensure your pages comply with AMP standards.
  3. Add AMP to Your Site: Integrate AMP pages into your website and link them to the canonical versions.
  4. Submit to Google: Ensure Google can discover your AMP pages by submitting them through Google Search Console.


What is the main advantage of using AMP?

The main advantage of using AMP is significantly faster load times, which improves user experience and can positively impact SEO.

Can AMP be used for eCommerce websites?

Yes, AMP can be used for eCommerce websites to improve the speed and performance of product pages, leading to better user engagement and potentially higher conversion rates.

Do AMP pages affect SEO?

Yes, AMP pages can positively affect SEO by improving page load times and user experience, which are factors considered by search engines in their ranking algorithms.

Is AMP only for mobile pages?

While AMP was designed with mobile pages in mind, AMP pages can also be viewed on desktops. However, the primary benefit is optimized performance on mobile devices.

How do I validate my AMP pages?

You can validate your AMP pages using the AMP Validator tool. This tool checks for compliance with AMP standards and identifies any issues that need to be fixed.

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