Keyword Finder

Find the best SEO keyword opportunities by searching our up-to-date global database. Just enter a word or phrase to see a list of relevant related keywords, complete with search volumes and difficulty ratings.

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Ranktracker is used by marketers from some of the world’s leading companies

SEO difficulty keyword tool

SEO difficulty keyword tool

The handy difficulty score shows you how hard each keyword is to rank for. The closer the number is to 100, the more competition there is – so for the best results, target keywords with low scores.

Find long tail keywords

The handy difficulty score shows you how hard each keyword is to rank for. The closer the number is to 100, the more competition there is – so for the best results, target keywords with low scores.

Find long tail keywords

Hone your search by location or language

Are you targeting a local market in a different area to where you are now? If so, you’ll need to do location-specific keyword research. Select the location or language you prefer to get the most accurate keyword suggestions.

See any keyword's history

The keyword history feature shows you how interest in any given keyword has changed over time. It’s perfect for identifying seasonal trends, or helping a client measure the success of their marketing and PR campaigns.

See any keyword's history

Discover SERP feature opportunities

Find out if the search engines are bringing up SERP features – like shopping previews and common questions/answers – for a given keyword. You can then target those keywords so that your company appears in the featured results, for a massive traffic boost.

Discover SERP feature opportunities
Save your researched keywords

Save your researched keywords

No need to copy and paste the keywords you’ve researched to a separate document. Save them in custom lists so they’re ready in the dashboard whenever you need them.

Keyword Finder

Optimizing Your Website with Effective Keyword Strategies Using a Keyword Finder

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Are you maximizing your keyword research potential? Discovering overlooked opportunities is key, and our Keyword Finder is designed to alert you to new keyword possibilities that could enhance your website's visibility. Simply input a topic and location, and our tool provides a curated list of actively searched keywords, along with traffic metrics and trends over time.

Keywords are crucial—they guide search engine users directly to your website, pages, and products. Without them, search engines would serve little purpose.

In search engine optimization (SEO), the success of your site largely depends on the relevancy and density of keywords across your content.

Take, for example, a small bakery aiming to boost its online presence. The owner might target the keyword "bakery," alongside more specific phrases like "best bakery in London" or "authentic French bakery." These keywords should be thoughtfully integrated throughout the website—in blog posts, headers, footers, and possibly even the domain name.

Merely brainstorming keywords isn't sufficient for competitive search engine rankings. Instead, employing a keyword research tool is essential to identify high-performing keywords that can drive traffic and business to your site.

Whether your goal is organic ranking or running paid ads, Ranktracker's keyword research software offers comprehensive tools that not only suggest effective keywords but also provide detailed analysis of trends, search volume, and competitive metrics.

Keyword finder screenshot with search visible

For businesses of any size or SEO agencies managing diverse portfolios, understanding and selecting the right keywords is crucial for enhancing site rankings. Ranktracker's tools offer insights that support robust marketing campaigns and competitive advantages.

Our Keyword Finder simplifies the process of identifying impactful keywords. This user-friendly tool makes it straightforward to pinpoint untapped keyword opportunities, giving you a competitive edge.

Identifying the most beneficial keywords is a fundamental step for business owners and webmasters preparing to launch SEO initiatives. With our Keyword Finder, targeting the most effective keywords becomes less daunting, maximizing both your time and investment.

For those developing SEO strategies, our tool not only eases the search for niche keywords but also highlights popular ones, ensuring you can identify and target the least competitive yet most impactful options.

Unlocking SEO Success with Ranktracker's Keyword Finder Tool

Ranktracker’s keyword research tool is poised to become your essential keyword planner, designed to unearth promising Google keyword options, identify highly relevant keywords, and even suggest unexpected keyword possibilities that you might not have considered. The tool is crucial for those looking to keep their content strategy fresh and competitive.

For on-page SEO, this tool enables you to discover optimal keywords for crafting new content that stands a better chance of achieving high rankings in Google and other search engines. Whether you’re planning new blog posts, optimizing existing pages with low-competition keywords, or adding new web pages, the right keywords can significantly increase your site’s relevance and attract new visitors.

In terms of Google AdWords campaigns, the Ranktracker keyword tool offers strategic advantages by identifying niche targets potentially overlooked by competitors. By targeting search terms with lower search volumes, you can benefit from more affordable cost-per-click rates, avoiding the expensive bids required for high-competition keywords that major brands typically pursue. The tool also tracks the relevance of specific terms over time, which is essential for maintaining the effectiveness of your keyword strategy.

Utilizing a free keyword research tool like Ranktracker is vital for identifying low-competition keywords and generating innovative content ideas. It offers expanded data beyond Google's keyword planner, including concrete search volumes, making it an indispensable asset for your SEO strategy.

For instance, consider a local bakery that capitalized on the trend of “homemade Japanese crepes” last spring. As trends evolve, the tool will indicate whether it’s time to update keywords to maintain or increase traffic, ensuring that your content remains aligned with current search behaviors.

What is a Keyword Finder?

A keyword finder serves as an invaluable resource for webmasters, marketers, and SEO analysts, helping to pinpoint the most effective search terms for both site optimization and ad creation. By selecting the right keywords, you can drive more traffic, increase sales, boost ad revenue, and improve your site’s search engine rankings.

Using a keyword finder is akin to conducting market research before launching a product or service—it’s a critical step that shouldn’t be overlooked. This tool performs a kind of “market analysis” for your website, providing insights into whether your chosen keywords are likely to succeed.

Beyond analyzing your target keyword, a good keyword research tool offers additional suggestions and alternatives that could enhance your content’s reach. While many free tools provide long-tail keywords, they often lack real-time data and accurate reporting. The Google Keyword Planner is particularly useful for researching paid keywords, offering forecasting features for budget planning in Google Ads. It complements Ranktracker's tool by providing keyword suggestions, search volume details, competition, ad impression share, and bid ranges, making it indispensable for a comprehensive keyword strategy that informs both paid advertising and organic search efforts.

Ranktracker’s keyword planner excels by providing detailed insights, including cost-per-click values, pay-per-click performance, trending status of keywords, and the competitive landscape for each search term. This data is crucial for exploring new keywords for your site, launching marketing campaigns, or analyzing new niches before making significant investments.

Discover keywords table with keyword finder bar above

Selecting the Ideal Keyword Finder Tool for Your SEO Needs

The quest for the perfect keyword finder tool often begins with Google AdWords, the pioneer of free keyword finder software. It provided the basic capabilities needed for Google Ads account holders to explore keyword options, assess their competitiveness, and determine cost per click. Despite its utility, Google’s free keyword planner has several limitations and fails to compare with the best keyword research tools that offer comprehensive data, free plan allowances, and are designed to meet the needs of both PPC and SEO marketers with industry-specific information and keyword analysis features.

Primarily, it is geared towards advertisers rather than content creators, offering keyword data only relevant to Google Ads campaigns. While it does provide some useful insights and suggestions, it fails to cover the broader needs of optimizing regular web pages and blog posts. Moreover, the user interface of Google’s planner leaves much to be desired, characterized by a lack of color and a dated, cumbersome design reminiscent of a 1950s black-and-white film. This makes the tool less intuitive and more difficult to navigate. The value of a free keyword generator cannot be overstated, as it provides up to 150 keyword suggestions for free, along with additional data such as keyword difficulty and SERP analysis for the top 10 results, offering valuable functionality for basic SEO operations even with limited data.

Due to these shortcomings, many SEO professionals turn to third-party keyword research tools like Ranktracker. Ranktracker offers a comprehensive alternative with a free 7-day trial, presenting an array of features that go beyond the basic offerings of free tools. It provides a deeper insight into a variety of keywords, including real-time data and a wider array of options.

Ranktracker’s tool excels particularly in its ability to deliver location-specific data. For example, if you’re targeting sales in a specific city with low competition for quicker ranking and reduced advertising costs, Ranktracker can provide detailed data for precise geographic locations. This functionality can transform the strategy of your marketing campaigns and website optimization, proving invaluable as global e-commerce continues to expand.

List of available countries visible inside expanded location dropdown

Additionally, Ranktracker’s keyword tool is equipped with a feature that displays questions related to each search term. This capability is crucial for structuring your content, especially for blog posts and FAQ sections, ensuring your pages rank well when these queries are searched. This feature exemplifies why choosing the right keyword finder is critical for effectively meeting your SEO goals.

Key Features of Ranktracker's Keyword Finder: A Tool Designed for Success

Ranktracker’s keyword finder has rapidly become a go-to resource on the internet for both SEO professionals and small business owners. Exploring various keyword tools is crucial for a comprehensive SEO strategy, and the Keyword Magic Tool is notable for its functionality in providing a list of related keywords, complete with search volume and difficulty, which is essential for identifying valuable keywords to target. Its suite of unique features offers robust support for digital marketing strategies and search engine optimization. Here’s a closer look at the exclusive capabilities that set Ranktracker’s tool apart from others:

Finding Long-Tail Keywords:

A standout feature of Ranktracker's keyword finder is its related keywords feature. When you input your primary keyword, the tool not only shows relevant data for that search term but also suggests additional keywords. These can serve as secondary options or even replace your initial choice, giving you flexibility and depth in your keyword strategy.

Assessing Keyword Difficulty:

One common pitfall for small businesses is choosing highly competitive keywords. Ranktracker helps avoid this by providing a keyword difficulty meter that assesses the challenge of ranking for a keyword on a scale from 1 to 100. Keywords rated 1-30 are considered easy to rank for, 30-60 moderate, and 60-100 difficult. This tool is invaluable in identifying low-competition keywords that still offer significant search volume, potentially revealing emerging trends.

The ability to view the trending status of keywords is another critical feature. This allows users to capitalize on rising trends before they become mainstream, securing a competitive edge. By quickly optimizing content around these keywords, businesses can establish authority in niche topics before facing stiff competition.

Location-Specific Data:

Ranktracker also excels in providing location-specific data, enabling detailed keyword analysis tailored to specific countries or regions. This feature is particularly beneficial for global brands or businesses targeting multinational audiences, allowing for more strategic, location-aware marketing efforts.

Analyzing Cost-Per-Click (CPC):

For those planning Google AdWords campaigns, understanding the average CPC is essential. Ranktracker’s tool displays both the CPC and the pay-per-click performance of keywords, helping users decide which keywords might offer the best return on investment. This analysis helps prevent financial losses from ad spend that exceeds the potential revenue from clicks.

Each of these features underscores Ranktracker's commitment to delivering a comprehensive, user-friendly keyword research tool that not only meets but anticipates the needs of its users. Whether you're refining your SEO approach or planning a cost-effective ad campaign, Ranktracker provides the insights necessary to make informed decisions and achieve optimal results.

Detailed preview of table with keywords

Leveraging Ranktracker to Discover What Keywords Your Website and Competitors Are Ranking For

Ranktracker's keyword finder tool is an essential asset for both analyzing your website's current keyword performance and gaining insights into your competitors' strategies. Here's how you can make the most of this powerful tool:

Screenshot of tool overview

Identifying Your Website’s Existing Keywords:

If you're curious about which keywords your own website is currently ranking for, Ranktracker’s keyword finder tool provides a comprehensive analysis. Whether you have an established website or have recently acquired a domain, understanding your existing keyword footprint is crucial. This tool helps you identify the keywords that are already bringing traffic to your site. With this knowledge, you can effectively plan enhancements to your content strategy, strengthening your existing rankings and identifying new keyword opportunities to pursue.

Trending chart expanded

Exploring Competitor Keywords:

Ever wondered why your competitors might be outperforming you in search rankings? Often, the secret lies in their keyword strategy. Ranktracker’s keyword finder tool allows you to peek into the keywords that any website on the internet is ranking for, giving you a window into your competitors' success. This feature is invaluable for conducting thorough market research and competitive analysis.

By using this tool to discover what keywords your competitors are successfully ranking for, you can adjust your own SEO strategy accordingly. This might involve adopting some of their successful keywords, refining your content to compete directly against theirs, or finding gaps in their keyword coverage that you can exploit.

Practical Application:

Using Ranktracker, simply enter the URL of your own website to see a list of keywords you rank for, along with key metrics like search volume, current position, and estimated traffic. Similarly, enter a competitor's URL to retrieve a detailed keyword report for their site. This dual capability enables you to benchmark your performance against the competition and see where you stand in the digital landscape.

By leveraging these insights from Ranktracker’s keyword finder tool, you can not only optimize your existing content but also strategically expand your site's reach by targeting new, valuable keywords. This proactive approach helps you stay competitive and relevant in your market, ensuring your website grows in visibility and effectiveness.

Why Ranktracker's Keyword Finder is the Tool of Choice for SEO Professionals and Businesses

Ranktracker's keyword research tool has become a favored choice among businesses and SEO specialists for several compelling reasons:

User-Friendly Interface

The tool is praised for its ease of use, featuring a seamless, intuitive interface that is descriptive and employs color-coded results for straightforward interpretation. This user-friendly design is especially beneficial for those new to SEO or teams without extensive experience in search engine optimization. For seasoned professionals, the streamlined functionality of Ranktracker’s tool simplifies and accelerates the research process, enabling more efficient work and ultimately contributing to increased productivity and profitability.

Speed and Efficiency

Speed is another significant advantage. Unlike some lower-tier keyword tools that can take minutes to deliver results, Ranktracker’s keyword tool provides comprehensive analysis reports in under 3 seconds. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, saving even a few minutes on tasks can greatly enhance workflow efficiency, particularly when working under tight deadlines.

Search Saving Capability

The ability to save searches is an invaluable feature of Ranktracker’s keyword tool. It retains a complete record of your search history, allowing you to revisit previous searches and their results at any time. This is particularly useful when conducting extensive research sessions, as it helps you keep track of explored keywords and analyze trends over time without losing any data.

Competitor Keyword Analysis

Ranktracker also includes a competitor keyword research tool, offering strategic insights into the keywords your competitors rank for. This feature is crucial for understanding market dynamics and identifying opportunities to capture market share from competitors by targeting similar or overlooked keywords.

Advanced, Intuitive Features

The tool is equipped with advanced features designed to enhance your SEO strategy. These include the capability to conduct keyword searches in multiple languages and across various locations, as well as an intuitive trend meter that helps identify the long-tail keywords most likely to improve your website’s search engine rankings.

In summary, Ranktracker's keyword finder is more than just a tool for identifying keywords; it's a comprehensive solution designed to make SEO simpler, faster, and more effective. Whether you’re a small business owner looking to improve your online visibility or an SEO expert striving to optimize a client’s digital strategy, Ranktracker offers the features and speed necessary to succeed in the competitive world of search engine optimization.

SERP viewer expanded

Ranktracker's Comprehensive Suite of SEO Tools

Ranktracker’s exclusive keyword analysis tool epitomizes convenience and thoroughness, aiming to be the definitive resource for all your keyword research requirements. The importance of free keyword research tools in simplifying the keyword research process and offering essential data for ranking cannot be overstated. Here’s what makes it stand out as a one-stop-shop for SEO:

Additionally, the inclusion of free keyword tools, like WordStream's Free Keyword Tool, enhances our suite by providing comprehensive keyword suggestions and analysis for PPC and SEO. This tool's ability to deliver accurate search volume, competitive data, long-tail keyword variations, and keyword analysis makes it invaluable for users aiming to drive traffic through both organic and paid search.

Robust Keyword Research Capabilities

At its core, Ranktracker's keyword tool offers a broad spectrum of features including the presentation of unique keyword ideas and advanced data analytics. It provides detailed insights into CPC (Cost Per Click) and PPC (Pay Per Click) rates for Google AdWords, as well as total search volumes. Additionally, it gives users a competitive edge by revealing whether competitors are ranking for specific Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) features.

Comprehensive Keyword Analysis Features

Unique Keyword Ideas

The tool generates innovative keyword suggestions that can help you tap into new market segments and improve your content's SEO performance.

Advanced Data Analysis

Get deep insights into keyword effectiveness, including how these keywords perform over time.

CPC and PPC Rates for Google Adwords

Essential for budgeting and strategy, this feature shows the cost-per-click and pay-per-click rates, helping you make informed decisions about your advertising spend.

Total Search Volume

Understand the potential traffic behind keywords to prioritize your efforts effectively.

Competitor Rankings for Google SERP Features

See if your competitors are featured in SERP elements like local packs, knowledge panels, or featured snippets, providing you with the intelligence to enhance your own SEO strategies.

Beyond Basic Keyword Research

While keyword research is vital, comprehensive SEO strategies require more tools. Ranktracker recognizes this need and offers several secondary tools that enhance and expand your SEO efforts:

Rank Tracker

The Rank Tracker tool provides a clear and detailed view of your SEO campaign performance by monitoring your website's movement up or down in search engine results. It keeps you informed with timely alerts and offers visual overviews to help you quickly assess changes in ranking. This tool is essential for understanding the impact of your SEO strategies, allowing you to make informed decisions and adjustments to optimize your site's visibility and search performance effectively. Whether your rankings improve or decline, Rank Tracker ensures you have the necessary insights at your fingertips to respond proactively.

SERP Checker

Ranktracker's SERP analysis tool is designed to pinpoint your competitors' vulnerabilities, offering you a strategic advantage in dominating search results for any given keyword. This tool utilizes an extensive historical database, featuring over 3 trillion backlinks and continuously growing, to provide you with precise insights into keyword difficulty and backlink dynamics. By analyzing this vast amount of data, Ranktracker equips you with the necessary information to assess not just the strength of your own SEO efforts but also to identify and exploit weaknesses in your competitors’ strategies. This comprehensive approach helps ensure that your site is optimally positioned to outperform others in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Website Audit 2.0 tool

The Website Audit 2.0 tool offers a comprehensive health check for your SEO, meticulously scanning all on-site SEO factors. It swiftly identifies any issues and provides clear guidance on how to resolve them. This tool is invaluable for ensuring your website adheres to SEO best practices, helping to improve its overall search engine ranking. By pinpointing and addressing site-specific problems—from meta tags and keyword density to structural issues and broken links—the Website Audit 2.0 tool empowers you to optimize your site efficiently and effectively.

The Backlink Checker tool is designed to unveil the backlink profiles of your competitors, giving you a comprehensive view of their SEO strategies. Understanding what's working for others in your industry can significantly simplify your own SEO efforts. With this tool, you can see exactly which backlinks your competitors have secured. This insight allows you to analyze their content strategies and adapt them to enhance your own SEO performance. By identifying the most effective backlinks and understanding the tactics behind them, you can better target your efforts to create links that boost your search engine rankings and overall site visibility.

The Backlink Monitor tool provides a detailed view of who is linking to your site, making it easier to track the effectiveness of your content strategy. This advanced tool not only shows you current backlinks but also alerts you to changes, such as when a site stops linking to yours. With this comprehensive oversight, you can gauge the impact and reach of your content, identify trends in backlink acquisition, and adjust your strategy to optimize link building efforts. The Backlink Monitor is an essential resource for maintaining an up-to-date understanding of your site’s backlink profile and for ensuring your SEO practices are yielding the desired results.

AI Article Writer

Ranktracker's AI Article Writer is a dynamic tool designed to streamline the process of content creation. Leveraging the power of GPT-4 along with Ranktracker's unique and advanced machine learning algorithms, this tool is engineered to produce high-quality, unique content efficiently. It ensures that the content not only provides informative insights but is also engaging for readers. Whether you need to populate a blog, enhance your website, or create detailed articles, the AI Article Writer helps maintain a consistent flow of professionally crafted content, tailor-made to meet your SEO and reader engagement goals.

Additional Tools

Ranktracker’s suite includes other invaluable tools that address various aspects of SEO, making it easier for businesses to manage their online presence effectively. These tools help optimize different facets of your website’s SEO strategy, from on-page elements to external factors like backlinks.

Integration and Usability

The integration of these tools into a single platform ensures that users can manage their SEO activities seamlessly and efficiently. Ranktracker’s emphasis on usability makes it accessible for both novices and experienced SEO professionals, providing an intuitive interface that simplifies complex SEO tasks.

In conclusion, Ranktracker’s exclusive keyword tool and its additional SEO resources form a comprehensive toolkit that supports a wide range of SEO activities. From detailed keyword analysis to extensive backlink tracking and competitive insights, Ranktracker equips you with the tools needed to enhance your website’s search engine performance and outmaneuver competitors in the ever-evolving landscape of SEO.

Why Choose Ranktracker’s Tools?

The integration of these features into one platform makes Ranktracker a one-stop-shop for SEO professionals looking to optimize their online presence comprehensively. By offering both primary keyword tools and secondary SEO tools, Ranktracker ensures that you have all the necessary resources at your fingertips to conduct thorough SEO audits, execute competitive analysis, and implement effective digital marketing strategies.

This robust suite of tools not only helps in identifying and leveraging the right keywords but also in maintaining the overall health of your website's SEO, positioning your business for success in the highly competitive digital marketplace.


First, start with a keyword that relates to the product or service you're selling (e.g., bread, tools). Then, enter that keyword into the Ranktracker search bar, and you'll be shown a long list of secondary keywords that you can use in addition to your primary keyword.

Ranktracker is one of the best keyword research tools on the market! Although there are some competitors who offer similar services, most of them aren't as fast as Ranktracker's and don't offer the same features.

Finding keywords is simple! For example, if you have an online shop that sells t-shirts, type "t-shirts" into Ranktracker's keyword finder, and you'll be shown a long list of keywords that relate to t-shirts.

The best keywords are relatively low competition keywords, but keywords that are trending and have a moderate search volume. These tend to be long-tail keywords that will be displayed in the Ranktracker keyword finder tool.

To research a keyword, simply type it into the keyword finder tool. You'll be displayed with all of the relevant information on that particular keyword including search volume, CPC/PPC cost, whether or not it's trending, and how difficult it is to rank for the keyword on a scale of 1 to 100.

Search volume is the number of people who search for that particular keyword in a month.

This is subjective to the niche you're in, but generally speaking, you want to find keywords that have a search volume that's greater than 10,000 searches per month but less than 150,000 searches per month. These tend to be low-competition keywords that you can easily rank in if you do your SEO right.

If you want to manually find the search volume for a certain keyword, you can use Google's free keyword planner. This can be found by creating a Google Adwords account and locating the keyword planner. It will display some basic data about monthly searches for popular terms.

A keyword between 500,000 and 1,000,000 searches is generally considered a "high" search volume. These niches are more competitive, and it will require more work to rank on the first page of Google.

Google's keyword planner is the best "free" keyword research tool. However, it only displays limited data and will not give you the full picture. You can try Ranktracker's keyword planner risk-free with a free 7-day trial!

Once you start doing your keyword research with Ranktracker's keyword planner, you'll be shown a list of various primary keywords that you can target along with a few long-tail keywords that you can target as secondary keywords.

Try to find keywords with a lower search volume (less than 150,000 searches per month) and keywords with a low keyword difficulty ranking (less than 50).

You can use Ranktracker's keyword finder for free with a free 7-day trial!

To calculate RS / KD , Ranktracker first collects the top 10 websites that rank organically for the keyword on the first page of Google.

Then, it calculates the ranking score for the first domain and the score for its page ranking for the keyword. These scores are based on the number of backlinks pointing to the domain and its page. They range from 0 (no backlinks detected) to 1,000 (highest rank).

Once it's done, the domain rank is multiplied by 0.1, and the page rank is multiplied by 0.9. The resulting values are added and then divided by 500.

((domain rating * 0.1) + (URL rating * 0.9)) / 500

The same calculation is performed for each of the ten domains and their pages.

After that, the Ranktracker sorts domains by rank value in ascending order and finds the median value.

0.2 is subtracted from the median. The resulting value is divided by 0.8

(median value – 0.2) / 0.8

The resulting value is multiplied by 100 to convert it to an integer (e.g., 0.6 * 100 = 60). If the value is greater than 1, it's truncated to 1.

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