The Covid pandemic changed many working patterns around the world. Technology has allowed for remote working for a long term, but the pandemic showed the benefits for both businesses and employees. However, some businesses don’t realize how best to utilize remote working. So here are some remote work statistics that can help business leaders to make effective business decisions.
General Statistics
- 16% of organizations exclusively hire remote workers.
- There has been an increase of 140% of those who work from home since 2005.
- There are now 4.3 million USA employees who work from home at least 50% of the time.
- Telecommuting has increased by 115% over the past ten years.
- In 2022, 38% of the workforce are millennials and generation Z. By 2028, they will make up more than half (58%) of the workforce.
- Telecommuters are reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of approximately 10 million cars yearly.
- 86% of remote workers believe that working on their own improves productivity.
- Only 4% of remote workers will work at a cafe.
- Three-quarters of remote working employees (75%) state that they don’t have their home internet reimbursed by their employers.
Benefits of Remote Work for Organizations
- Companies that allow employees to remote work, at least part-time, will have a 25% lower employee turnover.
- Over three-quarters (76%) of employees will stay with an organization if they can have more flexible working hours.
- Sales employees are 66% more likely to work remotely.
- 21% of employees would give-up some of their vacation time to get flexible working time.
- More than a quarter of employees (28%) would take a 10-20% reduction in pay to get more flexible time and work remotely.
- 20% of employees would give up retirement benefits to get remote work.
- Under half (44%) of remote workers with unlimited vacation time will take just two or three weeks holiday a year.
- One in ten remote workers with unlimited vacation time will take just one week of holiday.
- One in twenty remote workers with unlimited vacation time will take less than one week holiday per year.
- Allowing remote work can save employers $11,000 per year in employee costs (office space, electricity and more).
Benefits of Remote Work for Employees
- 40% of employees believe the best benefit of remote work is a flexible schedule.
- Employees working at least one day per month will be 24% more happy and productive.
- 75% of employees believe there are fewer distractions when they work remotely.
- Just under three-quarters of remote workers (74%) work from home to get away from co-workers.
- Noise from colleagues annoys 60% of workers.
- 97% of workers would love to have a flexible working plan.
- 86% of employees believe that remote working will reduce their stress levels.
- 77% of employees believe that remote working can improve their general health.
- Nearly a third of employees (30%) like to be able to work from any location.
- More than one in nine employees (14%) would use flexible working conditions to spend more time with their families.
- By remote working 50% of the time, employees can save 11 days of time per year by not commuting to the office.
- Telecommuters are paid $4,000 more than in-office workers in real terms.
- Telecommuters save more than $44 billion yearly in commuting and other work-related costs.
- 35% of employees believe that remote work offers a better quality of employment.
- Just under two-thirds of employees (65%) think they work best when they are working at home.
- 18% of employees have their home internet costs covered by their employers in full, 7% of their home internet costs covered partially by their employers.
Remote Working Adopter Statistics
- 44% of companies have employment policies that don’t allow remote work.
- In 2022, 40% more companies offered remote work compared to 2017.
- Small businesses are more likely to opt for full-time remote workers.
- By 2028, 73% of all business departments will hire remote workers.
- By 2028, a third of all workers will be fully remote.
- 52% of workers work from home at least once a week, worldwide.
- Only 32% of employees have never worked remotely.
- Men are 8% more likely to work remotely than women.
- 69% of millennials would give up other work benefits for more flexible working conditions.
- Just over half (51%) of brands offer their employees at least some remote working.
Problems with Remote Work
- Over one in five (22%) remote workers believe that unplugging after work is their biggest challenge.
- Just under one in five employees (19%) think loneliness is their biggest challenge when they work from home.
- 17% of remote workers think their working style doesn’t allow for normal inter office communication and collaboration.
- While 51% of employers officially allow employees to work remotely, only 27% actually follow with remote working options.
- Fully-remote workers are only 30% engaged with their work, but this is the same level of engagement as those who’ve never worked remotely.
- Those who work remotely three or four times a week will be most engaged with their work (41% engagement).
- Brainstorming is the most challenging meeting type when it comes to remote work.
- One-on-one and stand-up are the least challenging types of meetings.
- Only 3% of remote workers think they are less productive when working from home.
Moving Roles
- Nearly three in every four employees would move companies if offered flexible and remote work.
- 85% of employees believe their current employer should provide them with the technology and equipment to work remotely.
- 77% of future employees find the possibility of working from home at least one day a week is the best incentive.
Final Word
Remote working is certainly a trend that will grow in the future. There are so many advantages for both employers and employees by adjusting time management that it is an opportunity not to miss. If companies don’t offer remote working, then they could find that they have a staff shortage on their hands as many new employees will likely seek employment with brands offering this excellent opportunity.