• Business Strategy & Market Analysis

Market Intelligence vs. Market Research: Unraveling the Differences and Benefits

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 4 min read
Market Intelligence vs. Market Research: Unraveling the Differences and Benefits


The evergreen world of business currently holds 333.34 million businesses around the world. In such a competitive space, staying ahead of your opponents is crucial, especially for companies that sell online. So, they must depend on accurate information and insights about their market to achieve this.

To help companies do it effectively, market intelligence and market research come into play. While both concepts revolve around gathering valuable data, they serve different purposes and follow different methodologies.



In this blog, we will take you through the definitions, importance, and main differences between these two concepts, illuminating how technology and analytics guide these crucial components.

Definition of Market Intelligence

Market intelligence is the systematic process of gathering, analysing, and interpreting information about a specific market or industry. The primary goal of market intelligence is to provide firms with a complete understanding of their market environment, such as competitors, customer behaviour, trends, and emerging opportunities.

Basically, market intelligence helps companies make strategic decisions by delivering actionable insights collected from data and analytics.

Definition of Market Research

Market research is a broader topic that includes collecting, analysing, and interpreting data related to a specific market or target audience. Unlike market intelligence, market research focuses on more activities, such as customer offline surveys, product testing, and in-depth interviews.

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The primary intent of market research is to gather information that helps businesses understand their customer's preferences, needs, behaviours, and overall market dynamics.

Importance of Market Intelligence and Market Research

Both market intelligence and market research play crucial roles in the success of companies. Here are a few reasons for this.

1. Informed Decision-Making

Market intelligence gives businesses real-time insights into market trends, competitor strategies, and customer demands. Upon analysing this information, firms can make better decisions that can help them improve their product or pricing strategies and expand the market.

2. Risk Relief

Market research helps identify possible risks and pitfalls in the market. Companies can tailor their development and marketing strategies to address specific market challenges by understanding customer needs and how the industry works. Doing so can potentially reduce risks.

3. Competitive Advantage

The added advantage of market intelligence and market research is that they both provide a competitive edge. With this market and customer intelligence, firms can prepare to outperform competitors and attract a larger customer base.

Key Differences Between Market Intelligence and Market Research

Although market intelligence and market research might sound similar, a few things differentiate them from each other in terms of functionalities and their contribution to accomplishing brand goals. Some of them are

1. Scope and Purpose

  • Market Intelligence: It primarily focuses on gathering data related to competitors, market trends, and emerging opportunities. Market intelligence aims to provide an insightful view of the market environment.
  • Market Research: It has a broader scope, including operations like customer surveys and product testing. Market research moves towards understanding customer preferences and market dynamics in detail.

2. Data Sources

  • Market Intelligence: It heavily depends on secondary data sources such as industry reports, competitor websites, and social media analytics.
  • Market Research: It involves primary data collection through surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather specific insights directly from customers or target audiences.



3. Timing

  • Market Intelligence: It can often provide real-time or near-real-time data, making it suitable for quick decision-making.
  • Market Research: Generally, it requires more time for data collection and analysis, making it valuable for long-term planning and product development.

4. Focus on Customers

  • Market Intelligence: It focuses less on individual customer preferences and more on market trends and competitive landscape.
  • Market Research: It understands customer behaviour, needs, and preferences completely.

5. Applications

  • Market Intelligence: This data is primarily helpful for strategic planning, market entry, and competitive positioning.
  • Market Research: These analytics help in product development, marketing campaigns, and customer segmentation.

Types of Market Intelligence and Market Research

Companies can benefit from various types of market intelligence and market research to gain insights and make better decisions that cater to the company's overall growth. Other types of market intelligence and market research include

Types of Market Intelligence

1. Competitive Intelligence

As the name indicates, competitive intelligence monitors and analyses competitor strategies, strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. This information helps them create effective competitive tactics.

2. Customer Intelligence

Customer intelligence involves gathering and analysing information that deals with customer behaviour, preferences, and feedback. It is crucial to customise products and services to meet customer needs.

3. Technology and Analytics

This form of market intelligence revolves around staying updated on the latest technological trends and advancements in the industry. It helps companies align their technology stack with market demands.

Types of Market Research

1. Market Segmentation Research

Market Segmentation research approach divides the target market into multiple parts based on demographics, psychographics, or other relevant factors. This segmentation helps in crafting personalised marketing strategies.

2. Product Development Research

Product development research digs deep into understanding customer preferences and market demands to create and improve products that customers resonate with and meet market demand.

3. Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer satisfaction surveys aim for continuous development and evolution by collecting customer satisfaction, identifying pain points, and gathering feedback.


Companies in today's business industry need market intelligence and research to grow and maintain a competitive edge. While market intelligence provides valuable insights about competitors and market trends, market research looks deeper into customer preferences and behaviours.

These have become pillars for making better decisions, reducing risk factors, and creating strategic plans. Therefore, businesses must embrace market intelligence and market research, harnessing the power of technology and analytics to stay ahead of industry demands.

By doing so, they can create products that resonate with their target audience, outsmart competitors, and succeed in the ever-evolving business world.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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