• Social Media Marketing

How Good is Twitter for Business Growth?

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 7 min read
How Good is Twitter for Business Growth?


Twitter is one of the most ubiquitous platforms, and most businesses treat it as an integral part of their marketing strategy. But how effective is Twitter really in driving business growth? Is this yet another social media platform fighting for your attention, or is it worth the effort? Let's explore why Twitter might just be that essential tool your business needs.

Why Businesses Use Twitter

Why Businesses Use Twitter

Unlike other platforms, Twitter has a 280-character limit. Although this may sound constraining for a platform like Twitter, this happens to be one of its strategic advantages. This limitation will make sure that you have to be brief and decisive about what it is that you want to convey. In contrast to Facebook or Instagram, which is heavy with visual content or even long posts, by nature, Twitter is text-based. This enables businesses to communicate with their target audiences through simple and easily digestible updates.

This brevity can make tweets more effective by forcing businesses to distill their message to its core. This is particularly useful for sharing timely information or quick updates. This clarity may grab the attention of fast-scrollers.

What Makes Twitter Special for Business Growth?

1. Real-Time Communication

One of the coolest things about Twitter is its speed. Its quick, convenient, and readily available nature can be incredibly important for businesses that need to stay on top of current matters or answer customers' queries as quickly as possible. For instance, if you've just launched a new product and your customers have some specific questions about it; you can respond right away. This level of real-time interaction can help show that you are listening to your audience.

This real-time aspect isn't only good for customer service—it's also great for jumping into relevant conversations. Be it a trending topic or a breaking news story, you can join the discussion right then and there. Timing is everything, and Twitter nails it.

On Twitter, hashtags are what associate a message with a broader conversation. They don't just act as a form of categorization, but can also serve as a method of tapping into bigger conversations. If, for example, #NationalCoffeeDay is trending, a coffee brand could tweet about it, in order to join the conversation and get noticed by more eyes with that interest. This kind of engagement with trending topics is very specific to Twitter, where hashtags can drive a lot of exposure and engagement. Twitter hashtag tools can make the process of finding relevant hashtags very easy.

Sure, you can use hashtags on other platforms, too, but they don't have the baked-in immediacy and impact of Twitter. On Instagram, they are for discovery; on LinkedIn, they are specialized and professional, but not with wide appeal; Twitter's hashtag game is just on another level.

Hashtags and Trends

3. Retweets and Virality

Retweets are definitely one of the major functionalities of Twitter that can increase your content reach tremendously. If someone retweets your tweet, it automatically shares the information out to all their followers. This potentially introduces your business to a new audience. It's more aggressive on Twitter than on other social media channels, which have native content-sharing features that are not as deep or impactful.

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Virality is another aspect where Twitter's character limit could prove to be a great benefit. Short, concise messages are more likely to go viral because they are quicker to read and easier to retweet. This allows for better chances of getting your messages in front of a bigger audience.

4. Public and Direct Conversations

There isn't really a parallel to the openness of Twitter. By default, most tweets are public—anyone can view and respond to them. In this sense, Twitter is an excellent place for businesses to have real interactions with customers, influencers, and—why not—other brands.

This type of open engagement is not seen as much on other platforms. For instance, on Instagram, if one wants to interact with a celebrity or an influencer, they need to follow each other or message privately. As Twitter has a public conversation model, business entities can easily contact and engage with famous people. This can enhance the visibility and credibility of your brand.

5. Mobile-Friendly and Bite-Sized Content

Twitter's format is tailor-made for mobile users who want to see quick, easily digestible content. Since tweets are short, users can consume information at great rates while on the go. This caters very well to modern users who may not have the time to scroll through longer posts or detailed pictorial content.

For businesses, this means you can post frequently without overwhelming your audience. Unlike the long posts on Facebook or the detailed images on Instagram, Twitter allows you to share brief updates or links to your website without appearing spammy.

Challenges and Limitations

As every other platform that relies on social interactions, Twitter comes with its challenges that you need to take into account and be prepared for.

  • Character Limit Constraints

    The 280-character limit has both advantages and drawbacks. While it encourages concise and focused communication, it can also make it challenging to convey complex or detailed information. Businesses may need to be careful when word-crafting their tweets to be clear and effective for the character constraint.

  • Fast-Moving Environment

    The fast-paced nature of Twitter means that tweets are quickly buried under an onrush of new content. In order to remain visible, businesses need to tweet regularly and maintain consistent activity, or their content may get overshadowed by others.

  • Trolls and Negative Feedback

    This same openness of Twitter also invites trolls or sometimes harsh feedback. While it is this very transparency that allows for engagement, it also means businesses need to be much better prepared for criticism and how to manage possible conflict in a peaceful way. Having a plan in place for responding to negative comments is critical to brand protection.

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    With cancel culture being more prevalent on Twitter than any other platform, it’s very important to try to keep the situation professional.

  • Low Visual Engagement

    Twitter isn’t as centered on visual content as platforms like Instagram or Pinterest. You can share images and videos, but they aren't the primary focus of the platform. Because of this, if your business relies a lot on visual marketing, Twitter may not be the best platform to showcase your products or services.

How to Use Twitter to Grow Your Business: Best Practices

Post Consistently

As with most social media platforms, if you want to be perceived as active you need to post regularly; this assures visibility of the brand to the followers. A good practice to keep your followers interested and engaged is to make several posts per day that are related to your brand. You don’t want to make low-effort spammy tweets.

Engaging Content

Ensure you post content that will engage the reader; either leave questions dangling that need answering or make some hype statements. If necessary, use humor. You may also include images and videos to increase engagement.

Take Advantage of Twitter Ads and Services

If you have money to spend, Twitter Ads are the way to go. They can promote specific Tweets, grow your followers, or drive people to your site. Twitter Ads have several options that you can tweak to adapt to your goals.

However, if you are on a tighter budget, focusing on increasing the likes on your tweets to help them get picked up by the algorithm is also a great, low-risk strategy.

Use Twitter Analytics

Twitter's analytics tools can help you check the performance of your tweets. Keep track of your engagement rates, follower growth, and website traffic. This data helps to adjust or optimize your content so that you can better focus your efforts on high-return strategies.

How to Know if Twitter is Working for Your Business

Working for Your Business

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Okay, you've been tweeting up a storm, but are you making heads or tails of the process? Here's how to measure your success on Twitter

Track Follower Growth

This is probably the most obvious and straightforward way to tell the success of your brand on any platform. An increase in followers indicates that you get interaction out of new users who come across your content.

However, this isn’t all there is to it. Try to keep track of the number but don’t lose any sleep over it. Creating a loyal and active community should be the priority.

Engagement Rates

This is largely what determines how well your growth strategies are working. High engagement rates indicate that your content is connecting with your audience, a good sign that you're on the right track. As long as your content is pulling in more users, even if only a small portion of them decides to follow your brand, your account and by extension, your business will steadily grow.

Check Website Traffic

If part of your objectives involves driving traffic to your website, ensure you track the amount of traffic coming from Twitter. Traffic checking tools will allow you to monitor and understand where visitors are coming from—as well as which tweets send the most clicks your way.

Set Specific Goals

Lastly, define some measurable goals. Whether it's increasing followers by 100 in a month or tweeting with 20% more engagement, you're going to want to have some clear goals so you can remain focused and inspired.

If you are new to Twitter or online marketing in general, you shouldn’t be embarrassed to take some baby steps in the beginning to understand the fundamentals. The harder you go at the start, the more difficult it will be to manage down the road.

Conclusion: Is Twitter Right for Your Business?

Twitter can be a strong platform to grow your business on. With real-time communication, hashtag functionality, and the power of virality, there are wonderful opportunities available to interact with your audience. While you can encounter challenges like negative feedback or not being able to convey everything you want because of the limitations, all these things can be managed through a strategic approach.

Ultimately, whether Twitter is the right platform for your business depends on your goals and target audience. If you're prepared to do it in an active and strategic way, then Twitter is definitely worth checking out. Even if you don't get to be a Twitter sensation, it may still be a highly valuable and enjoyable experience.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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