• Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Algorithm Updates

Hit By The March 2024 Core Algorithm Update? Five Key Insights

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 4 min read
Hit By The March 2024 Core Algorithm Update? Five Key Insights


Many factors can influence search rankings following a core algorithm update. While content quality is crucial, it's not the only consideration. Google’s core updates can bring about significant changes that negatively affect website rankings, leaving site owners wondering why their previously well-ranking sites are no longer performing as expected.

Here's a closer look at five important insights shared by Google's team that shed light on how to understand these changes and work toward improving rankings:

1. Algorithmic Changes Aren’t Permanent:

Sites impacted by a core algorithm update, including the Helpful Content Update (HCU), aren’t permanently penalized. While it can feel like a permanent curse, Google's systems are intricate and sometimes require months between update cycles for recovery. Google's John Mueller has confirmed that sites can rebound after being affected, but it takes time, effort, and further algorithm cycles to reflect improvements.

Someone asked on X (formerly Twitter):

“Can a site hit by HCU grow again in terms of traffic if it improves in quality? Many fear that no matter the amount of improvements we make a HCU hit site will forever have a classifier assigned to it that keeps it from growing again.”

John Mueller responded:

“Yes, sites can grow again after being affected by the “HCU” (well, core update now). This isn’t permanent. It can take a lot of work, time, and perhaps update cycles, and/but a different – updated – site will be different in search too.”

2. "Recovery" Might Not Mean a Full Reset:

Recovery is not about regaining previous rankings but adapting to the changing web landscape and user expectations. The SEO environment is dynamic, and understanding algorithmic effects requires evolving your site to fit shifting trends. Think of it as aligning your content with the evolving relevance that the search engine values.

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Mueller tweeted:

“Permanent changes are not very useful in a dynamic world, so yes. However, “recover” implies going back to just-as-before, and IMO that is always unrealistic, since the world, user-expectations, and the rest of the web continues to change. It’s never “just-as-before”.”

3. Ranking Formulas and Thresholds Matter:

Algorithms consist of ranking formulas and thresholds. Some formulas are continuously updated, while others require recalculations that happen during broader update cycles. Mueller highlights that changes to thresholds typically necessitate a new core update, but ranking formulas can produce ongoing effects.

Someone asked:

“The simple question is whether you need to wait for a new core update to recover from the HCU. A simple “yes” or “no you can recover anytime” would suffice.”

John Mueller answered:

“It’s because not all changes require another update cycle. In practice, I’d assume that stronger effects will require another update. Core updates can include many things.”

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Then continued with these interesting comments:

“For example, a ranking formula + some thresholds could be updated. The effects from the updated formula are mostly ongoing, the changes to thresholds often require another update to adjust.

…(“thresholds” is a simplification for any numbers that need a lot of work and data to be recalculated, reevaluated, reviewed)”

4. User Behavior Evolves:

Staying aware of user expectations and engagement is crucial. Google's algorithms often reflect these expectations to ensure relevance. What users anticipate from search results varies across regions, and it's important to understand what they consider relevant to maintain high rankings.

In a recent discussion on X, John Mueller emphasized that understanding user expectations is crucial for success.

He tweeted:

“…there is no one-shot secret to long-lasting online success. Even if you find something that works now, the web, user desires, and how they engage with websites changes. It’s really hard to make good, popular, persistent things.”

His statement highlights several important points to consider for achieving online success:

  1. The dynamic nature of the Internet
  2. Evolving user desires
  3. How users interact with websites
  4. The impermanence of popularity

These factors aren't direct parts of the algorithm but may influence how Google understands user expectations and what they want to see in search results.

My concept of relevance aligns with what users expect to see. This is less about "semantic relevance" and more about meeting user expectations. Some SEOs and publishers often get caught up in word meanings and overlook that what's truly important is what those words mean to the users.

John Mueller conveyed a similar idea when explaining why a website might rank first in one country but not as well in another. He noted that user expectations vary across regions, which affects search results. Therefore, it's not always about semantics, entities, or other technical factors, but about user intent.

He tweeted:

“It’s normal for search results to vary across countries. Users differ, expectations vary, and the web is also quite diverse.”

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For publishers who have lost rankings in a core algorithm update, this insight can be valuable. Changes in user expectations may be influencing the algorithm, and search results are reflecting those evolving preferences.

5. Page-Level vs. Site-Wide Signals:

The Helpful Content component generally operates at the page level but also includes site-wide signals. Both are considered in Google's ranking systems, so ensuring individual page quality while maintaining a high overall site standard is essential.

Google's SearchLiaison clarified that the Helpful Content component of the core algorithm primarily functions as a page-level signal, though site-wide signals are also evaluated. He referred to the Helpful Content Update FAQ, which states:

"Do Google's core ranking systems evaluate the helpfulness of content on a page-level or site-wide basis?

Our core ranking systems are primarily designed to assess the helpfulness of individual pages, leveraging a variety of signals and systems. However, we also consider certain site-wide signals."

Keep an Open Mind:

Losing rankings in a core update can be frustrating, but it’s important to keep an open mind about the contributing factors. The core algorithm considers multiple signals beyond content quality, such as user relevance and site quality. Avoid focusing on one factor and instead consider a broader evaluation of your website.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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