• SEO Myths & Branded Keywords

Google Debunks SEO Myth: Branded Keywords Impact Explained

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 1 min read
Google Debunks SEO Myth: Branded Keywords Impact Explained


Google has debunked the long-standing SEO myth that using branded keywords in content can harm search rankings. The official clarification emphasizes that content quality and relevance are far more important than keyword manipulation.

The Discussion on Branded Keywords

In a recent series of tweets, Google’s Search Liaison addressed concerns regarding the use of branded keywords in articles, particularly product reviews. The discussion began when Jake Boly, a content creator, questioned why his unique articles consistently ranked on pages 3-4, speculating it might be due to the presence of branded terms.

Conflicting SEO Advice

SEO professional Taleb Kabbara suggested that using branded keywords could harm rankings, advising against including terms like “New Balance” in review titles. Kabbara claimed to have observed negative ranking impacts due to such keywords during his site audits.

Google’s Official Stance

Google’s Search Liaison refuted these claims, stating:

“No, you shouldn’t be afraid to mention the brand name of something you are reviewing. It’s literally what readers would expect you to do, and our systems are trying to reward things that are helpful to readers.”

The representative explained that omitting the product name in a review would be counterproductive. Google's systems aim to rank content that is genuinely useful to readers, regardless of the use of branded terms.

Supporting Evidence

To support their stance, Google’s Search Liaison provided evidence from a specific search query for “New Balance Minimus TR V2 review.” The top result for this query was from an individual reviewer, not a big brand, demonstrating that Google can rank independent content based on relevance and helpfulness.

Best Practices Reaffirmed

The conversation took another turn when Mike Hardaker shared advice he had received about not ranking for branded keywords. Google’s Search Liaison responded with a succinct, “Yeah, don’t do that,” reaffirming the importance of not avoiding branded terms in content.


Google’s clarification reassures content creators and SEO professionals that using branded keywords in their content will not harm their rankings. The focus should remain on producing high-quality, relevant content that meets the needs and expectations of readers.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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